Saturday, December 6, 2008

General update

Hi everyone!
So I got a second to breathe, I thought I would update this thing.
I've been playing Stage Manager to another play, this one is called Joyful Noise and it's about Handel's Messiah. It's pretty good really, but we've had major cast changes in the past couple weeks. Our Handel was building a prop for the play and cut one of his fingers mostly off, so he won't be doing the play anymore. We moved the guy who was playing the Bishop into Handel's spot and got someone else to play the Bishop, but that meant that two of our main characters were cramming lines a week and a half before opening night. The play opened on Thursday, and it was just about the funniest thing I've ever seen. You know those moments where two actors stare at each other in stark terror because neither one of them knows what the next line is and they both know it? Well we had at least half a dozen of those. A few key props were left offstage and the actors had to pretend they didn't need that particular thing that was ostentatiously missing, or someone would run offstage for it, ad-libbing something about "Oh I left it in the kitchen!" It was really hilarious, and I kept ducking behind the walls of the sound and light booth so that the audience wouldn't see me cracking up. But the audience seemed to like it. It's got some really cool stuff and a great message.
In other news a new group of Czech missionaries just got back, including Elder Mack (who was with me in the MTC), Sister Young (my second child), Sister Anderson (my last companion), and Sister Mitchell (the one I follow-up trained in Prague). So I'm understandably really really excited to see them. I guess they got delayed and a couple of them had to spend the night in England. Crazy, huh? And we thought it was bad when John got delayed a few hours!

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