Monday, February 23, 2009

Dash of Cold Water

So don't let it get back to my ward, but I got a new calling! The Bishop called me into his office after Ward Council yesterday morning, and I thought it was about my application thing to be a temple worker. Boy was I surprised when instead he turned and asked me to be Relief Society President!! Please understand, we have the largest relief society at BYU, we have over 120 girls! I kind of stared at him for a minute, then I said, "Bishop, I feel like you just threw cold water over me!"
I was pretty distracted through Sacrament Meeting, obviously! This poor kid who is not that socially gifted under normal circumstances, came and sat by me and I'm afraid I made him feel rather unwanted because I was NOT up for chit-chat, and I couldn't tell him why I was distracted. I picked my presidency during Sacrament meeting (what did the speakers talk about? no idea), and they were all called before the end of the block, and they were all really excited about it, so that lowered my stress level a lot. It also helped that when I told the bishop who I wanted for secretary he said "I was thinking of her too." Really? Great!
We won't actually be set apart for another two weeks, because stake conference is next week. But I'll probably want to meet with the presidency before that to get them squared away on what they'll be doing. I was sorry I couldn't keep any of the old presidency members in with me, but they're all moving out soon...
I feel like I'm going senior companion again, but in a much bigger setting. It's kind of like moving up to school for the first time, the same kind of everything-is-new-and-I'm-in-charge feeling. But it's gonna be okay, right?


Stefanie said...

Right! You'll be amazing. Good luck!

Forsythe said...

What great news. You are perfect for the job. Just put together a photo directory so you can learn the names quickly and then you can keep notes by each girls picture. You will just have to be organized with that many girls, but you already have that gift! Good Luck!

JaMiEj said...

Of course it will! You're so cool! You'll do great.