Monday, March 9, 2009

Crazy Weekend

You know those days where you don't seem to have a spare minute? That's been the past four days for me, and it's not over yet. Not even that I have work or school all day, they're not unpleasant things, there's just a lot going on.
Friday I had class, where I was supposed to give my presentation, but the other girl who was presenting took the whole hour. Then I skipped my next class and went home, just in time to get Daddy's call asking me if I wanted to go to a movie with him and the guys. So I went and saw Taken with them, which I actually saw the day before too, but it was still fun. That is a seriously intense movie. Then I went home, grabbed my stuff, and went back up to campus because I had to go to a play for my acting class. I got there a little early, so I checked my e-mail. Bad idea. I had e-mails from a job I interviewed for, telling me they weren't hiring me, and also from the language scholarship thing, saying that they weren't choosing me. Ouch. It's okay, though, I need to stay here for summer anyway. So I went to the play, then went with Marisa to Lehi, where I spent the night with her and two of our mission buddies. Naturally we talked until about 2 in the morning. :)
Saturday morning we got up and had breakfast, then they dropped me off in Provo where I changed clothes and went and did yard work for this lady in Alpine. That was fun, but a little cold. Julia, who was just released as RS president, went with me, and we had a good time because we've both read most of the same books and seen a lot of the same movies, so we just talked the whole time. And, strangely enough, got sunburned! We got home a little after five, and I spent the rest of the night doing laundry, cleaning my room, and freaking out about the fact that I was going to be put in as RS president the next day. I did get to relax a little and watch Australia, which, by the way, was FANTASTIC!! I loved it!
Yesterday, Sunday, was the real interesting day. We usually have Ward Council at 8, but no one told me until I was already up and getting ready, so I was up an hour earlier than I had to, and it was Daylight Savings time to boot. Not happy. I was sustained in Sacrament Meeting, no one even opposed! It was kind of weird, people I've barely talked to were coming up and giving me hugs and saying "congratulations," and I was thinking, first of all, who are you? second of all, do you really think this is a congratulations kind of job? It was funny, though, when two of my roommates showed up late for Sacrament Meeting and I got to lean over and say, by the way, I just got put in as RS president. Their faces were pretty comical. I was supposed to teach in RS, but we ended up not having time, because the bishop wanted the old presidency as well as the new to bear their testimonies, and that took up the whole hour. There was a lot of crying, too, it was pretty sad. I'm going to miss those girls.
After church we got set apart, which took about half an hour and was really great, then I had a meeting on emergency preparedness that took another hour or so, then I went home, changed clothes, and ran up to Julia's apartment to get all the president paraphernalia from her. By the time we'd finished with that it was time for choir, which was fun, then I watched the second half of North and South with the girls in the apartment above us. Okay so I slept through part of it, but that's all the sleep I got. From there we went to the ward break-the-fast, from there to my presidency meeting, from there to ward prayer, and then I spent about three hours after ward prayer dealing with issues in the ward.
This week I still have that presentation, a midterm, a final performance in my acting class, training with the stake relief society presidency, an emergency preparedness planning meeting, the Relief Society Birthday party, re-organizing visiting teaching assignments, my roommate's birthday, a quiz and two papers, and the continuation of all those issues with girls in the ward that I need to sort out or at least address in some way.
So that's my gripe for the week, hope you enjoyed it!

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