Thursday, October 15, 2009
Things I Have Learned
1. If you're going to let your visiting teaching coordinator do the assignments, make sure you spell out EXACTLY what she needs NOT to do. For example:
a) no girls teaching their roommates
b) no girls teaching themselves
c) EVERYONE needs visiting teachers
d) EVERYONE needs an assignment
e) NO we cannot leave it the way it is if it's MESSED UP!!
2. Don't start watching NCIS at nine o'clock, you won't get to bed before midnight.
3. Don't start reading a Georgette Heyer book the day before the last day to take a major history test.
4. Even if you only get 19% visiting teaching, the stake president still won't remember your name or your calling until you remind him. So no need to hide in corners.
5. Sometimes it's just better to know, even if the answer is no.
6. Post-structuralism freakin' warps my mind
7. I do have the power to run three miles uphill without stopping.
8. When you start making more money, somehow you always end up with more bills, even if you don't change anything you're doing.
9. Monday is a lot easier if you do your homework on Saturday.
10. You get a lot of funny looks and questions when you put pictures of attractive British actors that no one has heard of or seen before on your desktop. (Richard Armitage, of course!)
I've only been to the Emergency Room once this semester so far (no, not for myself), so we're doing better than last year, and I finally managed to get over a very annoying crush I had for a long time (see #5). I still have no one called in my Relief Society but a presidency and a couple committee chairs. I think I need to be more annoying.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
New Semester! Yay...
My Play writing professor kept us for only a half hour of the two hour class, all we did was brain storm play titles, introduce ourselves, and then pick a title out of the pile to write a 10 page play about by Thursday. I got "My Hands are Bananas". What would you write?
Our Relief Society is full again, we have 125 girls--the next largest in the stake has 100. We won't fit in the room we're in, so I talked with bishop about maybe getting us two rooms? Sunday he said they'd found us a second room we could use. It's a High Council room, how many people can it fit? About is this a solution?
Saturday, July 25, 2009
My ultra-super long day
With Brittany on the left, Brother Petersen from the bishopbric who hung back to help us out, and Ray who was Steffanie's "buddy" and stayed back to help her, and Steffanie closest to the camera. Brittany and Steffanie both just got slower and slower as we went, and Steffanie just got in more and more pain, though she refused to turn back, so we never made it to the summit, but we got to see a great sunrise:
Which was followed by great scenery:
I dunno, they just freaked me out. Anyway, Brittany finally gave up about here:
Where we could see the summit, but didn't actually make it there. The rest of our group did, though, and they said it was pretty cool. Brittany and I turned around and headed back, but Steffanie refused, she said she HAD to make it to the top, so she went on about another mile before she just l
I worked from 2 to 6, and was in a good bit of pain from cramps for most of the time, but my boss took pity on me and didn't
After that did I go to sleep? No again, after work I went to dinner with Karma Sue and Lindsey, two of my mission buddies, and my best friends here in Provo. We try to do something every week, because w
So I got home around 8:30, and made it to bed around nine, making for a full 36 hours with no significant amount of sleep. It's an odd feeling, isn't it? But it was certainly a very valid reason to miss sleep!
P.S. I will be hiking Timp again this summer, and I will not be volunteering to stay at the back next time. :)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
People you meet at the Bookstore...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Road Trip
We took Karma Sue's car, but she only let either one of us drive for about forty-five minutes because she wanted to sleep, then every time we went over a cattle guard she would wake up in a panic and grope for the wheel. It was pretty funny.
The next day we went to "The Proposal" with Sandra Bullock, and it was actually really funny. Rather crude at a couple of points, but really rather surprising. It wasn't predictable, which was my favorite part. We wanted to go to Zion, but we didn't want to go in the middle of the afternoon because it was so dang hot this weekend. So we went to the movie, then left right after. We decided to do the River Walk, because it kind of let us see the whole scenic drive with a not-too-difficult hike at the end because Karma Sue just got surgery on her knee and we couldn't do anything too strenuous.
On the way back we stopped by Forsytheville, and Karma Sue had a good time talking with Daddy about kids and schools. Momma asked us after a while if we needed to go rescue her, but we told her she was probably having a great time. :)
Bookstore Book List
1. How to Win Friends and Influence People Dale Carnegie
2. Crucial Conversations Kerry Patterson
3. Man’s Search for Meaning Victor Frankl
4. Sand County Almanac Aldo Leopold
5. Origin of Species Charles Darwin
6. The Numerati Stephen Baker
7. Walden Henry David Thoreau
8. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
9. Great Expectations Charles Dickens
10. Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens
11. Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen
12. Pillars of the Earth Ken Follett
13. For Whom the Bell Tolls Ernest Hemingway
14. No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency Alexander McCall Smith
15. War and Peace Leo Tolstoy
16. The Lord of the Rings J.R.R. Tolkien
17. Witches Abroad Terry Pratchett
18. Democracy in America Alexis de Tocqueville
19. Post-American World Fareed Zakaria
20. Common Sense Thomas Paine
21. The Prince Machiavelli
22. The World is Flat Thomas Friedman
23. Audacity of Hope Barack Obama
24. Bird by Bird Annie Lamott
25. Washington: The Indispensable Man James Thomas Flexner
26. Frankenstein Mary Shelley
27. Dracula Bram Stoker
28. Les Miserables Victor Hugo
29. World History for Dummies
30. The Giver Lois Lowry
31. The Book Thief Markus Zusak
32. Chronicles of Narnia C.S. Lewis
33. Chronicles of Prydain Lloyd Alexander
34. Lincoln: A Photobiography Russell Freedman
35. A Wrinkle in Time Madeleine L’Engle
36. Circle of Quiet Madeleine L’Engle
37. Anne of Green Gables L.M. Montgomery
38. House of the Seven Gables Nathaniel Hawthorne
39. Beowulf Anonymous
40. The Iliad Homer
41. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
42. To the Castle and Back Vaclav Havel
43. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Agatha Christie
44. Last of the Breed Louis L’Amour
45. Freakonomics Steven D. Levitt
46. Hamlet William Shakespeare
47. The Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare
48. Henry V William Shakespeare
49. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain
50. Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift
51. The Republic Plato
52. Foundation Isaac Asimov
53. The Color Purple Alice Walker
54. Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman
55. Continuous Harmony Wendell Berry
56. The End of Education Neil Postman
57. Fugitive Pieces Anne Michaels
58. Family J. California Cooper
59. Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe
60. Tuesdays with Morrie Mitch Albom
61. The Americans: The Colonial Experience Daniel J. Boorstein
62. To Know as we are Known Parker J. Palmer
63. Paradise Lost John Milton
64. A World Lit Only by Fire William Manchester
65. Writing Down the Bones Natalie Goldberg
66. My Grandfather's Blessings Rachel Naomi Remen
67. Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows
There were a few more, but I forgot which ones I had already taken off. I was trying to keep it to fifty, but now I'm thinking maybe 70 or 75, so it's still a work in progress.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Him: "Oops! There goes my napkin!"
Me: "What's Up, Doc?"
Him: You know that film? No way! No one knows that film!
Me: Evidently I do.
Him: Hm...okay I've got one! "It would appear we are at an impasse."
Me: I'm afraid so. I can't compete with you physically, and you're no match for my brain!
Is that just perfect or what? By the way after that I gave him one quote from Live Free or Die Hard and he was stumped. So much for dumb boyfriends. :)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Crazy Weekend
Friday I had class, where I was supposed to give my presentation, but the other girl who was presenting took the whole hour. Then I skipped my next class and went home, just in time to get Daddy's call asking me if I wanted to go to a movie with him and the guys. So I went and saw Taken with them, which I actually saw the day before too, but it was still fun. That is a seriously intense movie. Then I went home, grabbed my stuff, and went back up to campus because I had to go to a play for my acting class. I got there a little early, so I checked my e-mail. Bad idea. I had e-mails from a job I interviewed for, telling me they weren't hiring me, and also from the language scholarship thing, saying that they weren't choosing me. Ouch. It's okay, though, I need to stay here for summer anyway. So I went to the play, then went with Marisa to Lehi, where I spent the night with her and two of our mission buddies. Naturally we talked until about 2 in the morning. :)
Saturday morning we got up and had breakfast, then they dropped me off in Provo where I changed clothes and went and did yard work for this lady in Alpine. That was fun, but a little cold. Julia, who was just released as RS president, went with me, and we had a good time because we've both read most of the same books and seen a lot of the same movies, so we just talked the whole time. And, strangely enough, got sunburned! We got home a little after five, and I spent the rest of the night doing laundry, cleaning my room, and freaking out about the fact that I was going to be put in as RS president the next day. I did get to relax a little and watch Australia, which, by the way, was FANTASTIC!! I loved it!
Yesterday, Sunday, was the real interesting day. We usually have Ward Council at 8, but no one told me until I was already up and getting ready, so I was up an hour earlier than I had to, and it was Daylight Savings time to boot. Not happy. I was sustained in Sacrament Meeting, no one even opposed! It was kind of weird, people I've barely talked to were coming up and giving me hugs and saying "congratulations," and I was thinking, first of all, who are you? second of all, do you really think this is a congratulations kind of job? It was funny, though, when two of my roommates showed up late for Sacrament Meeting and I got to lean over and say, by the way, I just got put in as RS president. Their faces were pretty comical. I was supposed to teach in RS, but we ended up not having time, because the bishop wanted the old presidency as well as the new to bear their testimonies, and that took up the whole hour. There was a lot of crying, too, it was pretty sad. I'm going to miss those girls.
After church we got set apart, which took about half an hour and was really great, then I had a meeting on emergency preparedness that took another hour or so, then I went home, changed clothes, and ran up to Julia's apartment to get all the president paraphernalia from her. By the time we'd finished with that it was time for choir, which was fun, then I watched the second half of North and South with the girls in the apartment above us. Okay so I slept through part of it, but that's all the sleep I got. From there we went to the ward break-the-fast, from there to my presidency meeting, from there to ward prayer, and then I spent about three hours after ward prayer dealing with issues in the ward.
This week I still have that presentation, a midterm, a final performance in my acting class, training with the stake relief society presidency, an emergency preparedness planning meeting, the Relief Society Birthday party, re-organizing visiting teaching assignments, my roommate's birthday, a quiz and two papers, and the continuation of all those issues with girls in the ward that I need to sort out or at least address in some way.
So that's my gripe for the week, hope you enjoyed it!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Dash of Cold Water
I was pretty distracted through Sacrament Meeting, obviously! This poor kid who is not that socially gifted under normal circumstances, came and sat by me and I'm afraid I made him feel rather unwanted because I was NOT up for chit-chat, and I couldn't tell him why I was distracted. I picked my presidency during Sacrament meeting (what did the speakers talk about? no idea), and they were all called before the end of the block, and they were all really excited about it, so that lowered my stress level a lot. It also helped that when I told the bishop who I wanted for secretary he said "I was thinking of her too." Really? Great!
We won't actually be set apart for another two weeks, because stake conference is next week. But I'll probably want to meet with the presidency before that to get them squared away on what they'll be doing. I was sorry I couldn't keep any of the old presidency members in with me, but they're all moving out soon...
I feel like I'm going senior companion again, but in a much bigger setting. It's kind of like moving up to school for the first time, the same kind of everything-is-new-and-I'm-in-charge feeling. But it's gonna be okay, right?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Quick on the Draw
After the clip was finished, he made fun of not only the dubbing, but the language, and instructed the class to laugh at anyone they ever heard speaking Czech.
What I said: Hey! No Czech jokes!
What I wish I had said- Hele! Nemluv takhle o Cestine, ja te ZABIJU!!
Translation: Hey! Don't talk about Czech that way or I'll kill you!
So yeah, I've just gotta be quicker on the draw.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Funny Story
Guy: I'll give you a hundred million pesos if you can name the person on this bill.
Girl: I don't know, who is it?
Guy: Only the most famous Mexican in the whole world!
Girl: I'm an idiot, I really don't know.
Guy: Fidel Castro!
Amanda and I just stared at each other. Even for BS, that's pretty bad.
Amanda and me in unison: FIDEL CASTRO IS CUBAN!!
Guy: Oh...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Four Things
1) Four Places I go over and over:
The HFAC (Theatre Building), the library, the Wilk, the grocery store
2) Four people who email me regularly:
Mike, BYU, Kvasnickovi, the MTC
3)Four of my favorite places to eat: Carabbas, Olive Garden, Arby's, Little Ceasar's
4)Four places I would rather be right now: Czech Republic, Hawaii, home reading a fun book, at a movie theater
5)Four people I tag: Anyone who hasn't done this already
6) Four TV shows I watch: House, What Not to Wear, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Charmed
Thursday, January 8, 2009
New Semester
I just want to say that I pity everyone who was not a theater major in college. Do you realize that i watch movies for my classes? For my intro to film class this week we watched two films, one called "The Man who Planted Trees" which was awesome, and the second was "On the Waterfront" with Marlon Brando and Eva Marie Saint, which is one of my all-time favorite films anyway. For my Narratives class we have to read a play and watch a movie every week, so this week we watched "The Sting" with Robert Redford and Paul Newman, which was a whole heck of a lot of fun, and read "The Importance of Being Earnest", which was also awesome. And I just keep thinking, Am I really getting credit for this? This is, what? Homework? Hey man if this is torture chain me to the wall!
I'm also not doing a play at the present time, so I spend a lot of time hanging out with my roommates and friends, two nights ago we watched Hitch with a bunch of people from the apartment complex, last night we watched a movie and a half and ate pizza, and tonight I'm having over a lot of mission buddies for homemade pizza. So basically I'm just having more fun than ought to be legal, I think.